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Reach More Customers and Clients

Promote your Facebook Pages, Create Boutique Collections, Swap with other Consultants and More

Let CLAIMroe advertise your CLAIMroe Pages With the “Featured Fashion Consultant” Membership.
We put your Page and Collections in front of thousands of viewers.

Get listed in our “Fashion Boutique Directory” today to help promote your inventory.

Promote your Facebook Pages or create a Private Fashion Boutique!

Already have Inventory Management? That’s ok, create your CLAIMroe Store and see how many more customers you attract.

Try it free for 30 days, see how many more sales you get for only $9.95 a month.

Select “Fashion Consultant” membership for only $3.95/month to wholesale/destash/trade to other Verified Consultants at our Facebook Group.
Take the hassle out of Return Policies.

* You have 30 days to evaluate “Featured Fashion Consultant” membership and cancel during that time period.
If you continue the service, you will be charged for the next 30 days with no refund.

If you do not wish to continue any of your memberships anytime after the 30 days, you can cancel the service so as not to incur further charges.

*If you are only interested in Wholesale and Trade please select Fashion Consultant membership option below

Level Price Action
Featured Fashion Consultant

$0.00 now and then $9.95 per Month.

Fashion Consultant

$3.95 per Month.


Create Free Account Here