Follow steps below to remove your account.
Delete Account
Please log into your account and navigate to your account page: CLAIMroe Account
Click on the “Delete Account Tab” and enter your Password, press delete.
Cancel Trial or Power Consultant Membership
Navigate to your Toolbox and press Membership Account: CLAIMroe Power Consultant
Click on “Cancel” to remove your Power Consultant Membership Status.
Your account will be demoted to a standard free account.
Cancel Wholesale & Trade Membership
Navigate to your Toolbox and press Membership Account: Wholesale & Trade
Click on “Cancel” to remove your Wholesale & Trade Membership Status.
Your account will be demoted to a standard free account.
Update your profile, attract more VIP Clients. Update Profile Here
Remember: If you only sell one pair of leggings per month because of CLAIMroe, you would have paid for your membership.